Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Lunch Break at the Sandwich Boardwalk

Sandwich Boardwalk
Sandwich Boardwalk at High Tide
Mom is in the hospital for a urinary tract infection. When she didn't recognize me or my sister yesterday, we called the ambulance. If you have an older mother, you should know this can cause them to take a dive off of the cognitive cliff. She had no idea of what was going on. The infection causes the brain to swell and they can get very loopy. It's very scary.

The ER doctor admitted her to Falmouth Hospital. After a few doses of antibiotics, she is very close to her old self again. I spent the morning and early afternoon with her. When my sister arrived I came back to Sandwich. I made lunch and decided to walk to the Sandwich Boardwalk to eat it. 

I am lucky enough to live around the corner from this beautiful spot. There was an empty bench and I enjoyed my sandwich and iced coffee a whole lot. I'll work on my Zazzle products for a few hours. At about 4:30, I'll return to the hospital to keep her company while she eats dinner. 

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