Tuesday, May 19, 2015

First Farmer's Market of the Season in Sandwich

Farmer's Market Sandwich MA May 19, 2015
The Sandwich Farmer's Market Season Got Off to a Rainy Start

New England vegetable gardens really don't come into bloom until late June, so May farmer's markets can be pretty bare. Today was the first one that they held in Sandwich along Route 6A. It was a very rainy and cold morning. There were only a few farmers selling stuff. One was a meat producer and one was selling pizza. It was too chilly and wet to spend much time outside. I didn't even want to get the camera wet, so I too the picture from the inside of the car.

I admit that Mom and I decided to go to the warm and enclosed Stop & Shop to buy our tomatoes. We'll check in each week to see what the local farmers have in stock. 

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